November 10, 2024

Madeline Leman

4:15pm - Baby Velvet (solo) 4:50pm - Bootscooting Class 5:20pm - Madeline Leman
**Madeline Leman** will launch her new single _‘Famously Fragile’_ with her band, Sunday afternoon, November 10 at Shotkickers in Thornbury. She will be joined by **Baby Velvet** (solo) (**All Our Exes Live In Texas**) and **Country Club Bootscooting**, who will lead the audience in a mini boot scooting class. Famously Fragile is a jangly alt-country pop ditty featuring Jesse Williams on lead guitar and harmonies by Ruby Jones and Leah Senior. “For so long I tried to convince myself that I was superwoman, but actually I’m really sensitive. I’ve come to realise that this is where my strength actually lies. Famously Fragile is a celebration of feelings!" This will be the first single off Madeline’s sophomore album to be released in 2025. The launch will also celebrate the renaming of her project. After 9 years Madeline is saying goodbye to the Desert Swells moniker. “It is time for a refresh, this album feels really personal so it felt right to put it out under just my name. The change is more stylistic than anything, my band are not going anywhere. They are amazing and I will always want to play with them. It just felt like time to change it up a bit.” DOORS 4:00PM // $21+BF PRESALE